1. Catches crumbs before they hit the floor. Also handy for laundry-folding.
2. Gets you to the front of the line faster than you can say, “I reallly have to go to the bath—”
3. Makes maternity clothes look good (seriously, imagine the sacks they’d be without it).
4. Very entertaining on the dance floor at weddings.
5. When your arms are full, it’s an excellent door closer/grocery cart pusher/chair scooter-inner.
6. Yay: No x-rays at the dentist’s office!
7. It’s every bit as sexy as a celeb’s bump. Maybe even sexier.
8. Makes you The Most Awesome Woman at the gym, hands down. Even if all you’re doing is walking on the treadmill at 2 mph. Or just standing there, holding a towel.
9. Convenient perch for a good book, the remote, a cup of tea, an iPad, a box of chocolates—pick your pleasure.
10. As it grows, so does your husband’s awe and respect for what you’re doing in there.