By Chaunie Brusie, DisneyBaby
There are a lot of moments in my motherhood career that I’ve definitely wished I could do over. Heck, there are a lot of moments in my life, period, that I wish I could do over.
But as moms, I have to admit that I think we are way too hard on ourselves. We’re so quick to judge ourselves and focus on everything we are doing wrong as parents.
So for today, moms?
Today, we focus on all of the ways you are rocking motherhood.
- When the baby had a blowout on your lap and you were in the middle of dinner at a restaurant.
No sweat—nothing a few wet wipes, a clean diaper and that extra outfit you keep stashed in your diaper bag can’t fix. Or, if you’re like me, nothing a few towels and a quick trip to the store across the street for a brand new outfit can’t fix. (True story.)
- When you stay home or head to work.
Because all moms are working and all moms are loving their babies.
When you feed your baby.
I know it sounds simple—because it is. And yet, we still have disagreements about how a mother can feed her baby. But whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you are nourishing your baby and that’s all that matters.
When you caught the baby puke
I call it Mom Reflexes for the win, but somehow, we all have those moments when you can just tell that the baby is about to spit up and out comes the baby burp cloth (or your hand).
When you embrace the nighttime feedings.
I’m not saying you do it every time, of course, because sleep is a beautiful thing, but there is such a power in taking a look around in those middle of the night feedings, catching a glimpse of the moonlight, and really treasuring just being there in the moment with your baby.
When you met your baby for the first time.
Whether you adopted, delivered, or pushed that baby into the world, you met your little one with open and loving arms. Could there be anything better?
When you laughed when you felt like crying.
Oh, mama–we’ve all been there. I’ve sat on my steps with two (or more) babies crying in my arms, puke literally on the walls, and one unfortunate incident involving actual poo in my toddler’s eyebrows, and the craziness of it all made me laugh instead of cry. It happens!
When you accepted that help.
If you’re lucky enough to have a helping hand in this business of bringing up baby and are smart enough to accept that help without feeling guilty (there’s the key!), then there’s no doubt about it–you rock.
When you finally master potty training.
Pretty sure we all deserve a massive medal or at least some kind of cake when this momentous occasion arrives. All hail the potty training Queen!
When you stop, drop, and play.
There’s a time and a place for doing those dishes. But for right now? Being with your baby is all that matters. Some of the best times I’ve had as a mom are those simple times just plopping down on the rug with my baby and playing the afternoon away.
Image: DisneyBaby