By Rebecca Levey
While parenting your baby is full of surprises, one thing is for sure – a well-rested baby is a happy baby. Creating nighttime routines is one of the best ways to ensure that your baby will get to bed easily and sleep comfortably for longer stretches
of time. Here are five suggestions for establishing a winning bedtime plan.
Tone down the room. By dimming the lights and turning off all TVs and other screens you can start to prepare baby for a soothing transition to bedtime. Bringing the energy level down and playing soft music will help your baby
relax and feel calm.
Prepare a warm bath. A gentle bath is a lovely way for baby to end their day and transition from dinner to bed. If your baby gets upset when you wash and rinse their hair, save that part of the bath for daytime. The bath shouldn’t be
long, but it should include baby specific bath products and soft cloths and towels for their sensitive skin.
Incorporate story time. Reading to your baby is one of the best things you can do for them. Nighttime reading not only introduces your baby to words and rhythms, but also allows for quality cuddle time before bed. Choose books that
focus on going to bed, such as a tried and true classic like Goodnight Moon, or books with a repetitive rhythm like Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Set up a reading chair in the nursery so you can easily put baby down in the crib as soon as the reading time
is over.
Consistency is key. When establishing a bedtime routine it’s important to keep things the same, and don’t drag it out too long. Work backwards from your baby’s ideal bedtime, and create a routine that can be completed in about 30-45
minutes. You baby will start to automatically recognize the cues and will look forward to winding down the day and preparing for sleep. If you will be out of town or your schedule will be out of whack be sure to pack key elements of the routine such
as books, Huggies® OverNites®, and baby bath soap, so your baby can still have a good night’s sleep.
Help baby stay dry all night.Keeping baby dry overnight can help prevent nighttime waking and let baby sleep longer. To ensure your little one is comfortable all night long, swap out your regular daytime diaper for one
made especially for nighttime. Huggies® OverNites® hug them all night with a diaper scientifically designed for sleep. These nighttime diapers prevent leaks and let baby's skin breathe, helping keep them protected and fast asleep.
Building a foundation for a good night’s sleep is a gift you can give your baby. By establishing a regular bedtime ritual, making sure baby stays dry all night, and creating a calm atmosphere, you will help your baby sleep better so you can all have a
good night and an even better next day.
Image : Getty