It’s hard to say who enjoys reading time more—you or your tots. Parents on Huggies’ Facebook community share the books they keep coming back to, bedtime after bedtime.
"The Belly Button Book, by Karen Karbo. My daughter loves it, and so do my daycare kids."—Dawn B.
"Walking Through The Jungle, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, The Bear Snores On, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? My son loves to act them out, and he’s starting to tell me his versions while we’re reading!"
"One of Each. It’s a beautiful story about sharing."—Mackenzie S.
"Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown."—Erin M.
"When my husband was deployed, he sent our kids Good Night Moon. I read it to them all the time."—Misty W.
"Moo Baa La La La. My kids love it!"—Denise M.
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Harry Potter Series. He’s too little to actually understand Harry Potter, but even at 11 months, he’s still so interested and enticed by what I’m reading and the sound of my voice."—Shyanne T.
"Mama’s Right Here, by Liza Baker. I’m a single mom, and it’s the perfect book to let my son know how much I love him."—Randi P.
"Winnie The Pooh! Books! All of them!"—Emily B.
"Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Suess. The book says so much in such a kid-friendly way. My 2-year-old loves it. Even though it’s long, he lets me read it all the way through."—Julie M.
"Llama Llama Red Pajama. Their favorite and mine."—Elizabeth B.
"The Monster at the End of this Book, with Grover from Sesame Street as the narrator. It is such a cute book."—Rachel V.
"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie and Mother Goose. I love the fact that my daughter takes them to the bathroom with her!"—Donia N.
"My daughters are hooked on Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day."—Bobbi C.
"Love You Forever, by Robert Munsch. My mom read it to me when I was little, and I enjoy reading it to my son."—Shanda W.
See what parents are saying over at Huggies’ Facebook community.