“My 7-year-old and 9-day-old like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. Even danced in my belly!”—Rebecca G.
“Country music. They both seem to like the same woman their daddy does…the one and only Reba.”—Theresa J.
“They Might Be Giants!”—Rhonda G.
“Our little Cubanita likes salsa, Cuban timba, all sorts of Latin music. Even before she could sit up she would wiggle like crazy. Now she clings to Daddy’s leg with one arm and waves the other while bouncing her little bottom up and down. The child’s born to dance, like her parents.”—Terrie E.
“My girl loves The Beatle’s Hey Jude and Patsy Cline. She’s old school, I guess. :)”—Sarah H.
“She listens to all kinds of weird stuff with my hubby, but 3 Doors Down puts her to sleep every time. We use it sparingly, so as not to dilute its effect!”’—Erin W.
“My 10-month-old loves Wilco and James Taylor.”—Rick H.
“ABBA!”—Erika K.
“The theme songs to General Hospital and Gilmore Girls.”—Brooke M.
“Oh, gosh, I got a list: Tori Amos, Poe, Bob Marley, Paramore, Gwen Stefani, Korn…she likes variety.”—April J.
“My son and daughter love Michael Jackson’s music, especially Beat It and Thriller.”—Nesha P.
“My little man really enjoys Taylor Swift! I listened to her while I was pregnant, and I think he recognizes her voice.”—Heather D.
“Rap. I think it’s because her father would blare it when I was pregnant with her!”—Angelina R.
“I have been playing classical music to Melody since the first day she came home. Music is a great influence—she now enjoys all music and will stop dead in her tracks and sing to almost anything.”—Michelle S.
“Rev Peyton, Johnny Cash, Waylon and Willie and of course, Janis.”—Elizabeth L..
“My GLEE soundtracks. A Gleek in training!”—Rebecca B.
“Sade seems to calm him down. I played it throughout pregnancy, delivery, and anytime he’s a little fussy.”—JaGerre J.
“Les Mis, Janis Joplin, Louis Prima. What a nice break from all the kid music!”—Keely B.
“My 2-and-a-half-month old likes anything we play…so rap in Daddy’s car, and country or rap in Mommy’s!”—Johna V.
“My 5-month-old loves The Grateful Dead, Phish, Beatles and Green Day.”—Sharon W.
“The 80s!”—Kimberly H.
“My son loves Lady Gaga....which worries me.”—Courtney S.
“My baby hates long drives, but as long as Carrie Underwood is playing, she does great. Even if she is screaming, I play Carrie and she stops. Thank heaven for her and her music!”—Misty Z.
“The Ramones. My 2-year-old has been listening to them since he was 3 weeks old.”—Marissa G.
“My daughter likes Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas and Bob Marley. I’m ready to toss Gaga and BEP out the window; the only one I never get sick of playing is Bob Marley.”—Heather D.
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