Know your rest rooms
Unlike gas station restrooms, fast food restaurants usually have the best facilities for a comfortable change. Often a shopping mall will be your best bet for a pit-stop off the highway because you’ll have more restaurants and stores to choose from.
Stay sanitized
Pack hand sanitizer for you to use after each diaper change. Half the battle of keeping the baby clean and healthy is keeping yourself clean, too.
Double bag it
Reuse plastic grocery bags for soiled diapers. Simply twist the bag, pull the handles down and knot underneath for a double-bag effect — and less odor.
Don’t underestimate the mess
Just when you think it’s over, sometimes it’s only beginning. So prepare for more than one mess. And keep those extra clothes and diapers in the car at all times so you don’t even have to think about it.
Use DVDs and books sparingly
Motion sickness can be caused by any number of things, and lots of kids get it from watching a TV in a moving car. So even though videos might help keep the car a little quieter on long trips, it could also cause headaches down the road.
Extra wipes are your friend
You might think your car is getting cluttered with stuff you don’t need — until you need it all in one day. Be prepared with diapers, wipes, a garbage bag or two, and even paper towels.
Healthy snacks can help
Or at least simple ones. Raisins. Animal crackers. Graham crackers. Kids love em, they’re entertaining, and they can prevent calls for unnecessary fast-food stops.
Bring the diapers you trust
Finally, make sure you’ve got a trustworthy diaper. Did you know you can get HUGGIES® Diapers and Wipes delivered to your door? Buying online is convenient—and it might save you a little money. Click here to see how to order online and find stores that sell HUGGIES® Products near you.
A few minutes to stock up the car can mean the difference between a fun outing with the family or a stressful road trip. Now, the next step is figuring out how to get someone else to take care of the actual driving.