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It's Time To Make A Diaper Switch!

So, your little one is showing interest in the potty and staying dry for longer than usual. Hurrah! It may be time to start the journey to becoming a big kid with Pull-Ups®. 

From the moment you first hug your baby, to their first step and beyond, we’ve been honored to be a part of your baby’s life with our diapers and wipes. Now that your baby is growing up and becoming more independent, we can help your child transition from diapers to training pants.

Many of your child’s friends may have moved out of diapers, but how do you know it’s the right time for your child? As every child is unique, there is no “right” time to start training.

There are, however, potty training readiness behaviors children often exhibit when they’re ready to begin. Some of the signs include:

  • Pulling at a wet or dirty diaper.
  • Hiding to pee or poop.
  • Interest in the potty (watching others use the toilet, being in the bathroom, flushing the toilet, etc.).
  • Having a dry diaper for a longer-than-usual time (over 2 hours).
  • Waking up dry from naps.
  • Telling you that they are about to go, are going, or have just gone in their diaper.

Your child may be wearing Huggies Little Movers or Snug & Dry Diapers, but when you begin to see some of these signs, it’s time to introduce Pull-Ups® Training Pants and start training together. You can create excitement by including your child in the purchase of training pants and make your child feel like the big kid they are becoming.

Pull-Ups Learning Designs® Training Pants have an underwear-like design so your child can learn to put them on and take them off by themselves, encouraging independence. Pull-Ups Learning Designs® Training Pants are super absorbent, have a great fit with all-around coverage and easy open sides for quick removal after an accident. Plus, designs fade when wet to help your child learn to stay dry.

Another product, Cool & Learn® Training Pants, provides a brief cooling sensation when wet which helps your child make the connection between what’s happening inside their bodies and what happens on the outside. After a few seconds, the wetness is completely absorbed, leaving your child dry.

Help your child practice pulling their new training pants on and off so they can learn how to use them. You can also talk about how they differ from the diapers they’ve been wearing since birth. D

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