By Huggies
Kids love summer because it promises sun-soaked outdoor fun. They reserve a special smile for the joy of splashing around in that kiddie pool. As the colder month’s approach, it’s easy to write-off swimming from your child’s activity options, but this
doesn’t have to be the case. With a bit of creative spirit, you can incorporate water-based fun into your child’s life all-year-round.
Here’s some ideas of how to keep your little one’s life aquatic regardless of the month on the calendar.
Bathtub Playdate
Part of your little one’s love of swim time is about more than just being in the water, they know the pre-swim routine means they are about to have a ton of fun. They also love nothing more than splashing about with their little buddies. Re-create this
experience for them during the colder months by inviting over a swim mate for a bathtub playdate. Deck them out in their favorite swimsuit, let them pick out fun water toys and get their floaties on, all of sudden the tub is just as fun as the kiddie
Kiddie Toy Carwash
When it might be just a bit too cold for a kiddie pool experience, consider this fun backyard option. Our little ones love the carwash with all its soap and suds, you can create a kid-sized version just for them. Arrange some garden hose powered
sprinklers and replicate a carwash (make sure the water isn’t too cold). Have your little one pick out their favorite miniature vehicle, something like a toy car or tricycle and let them lather it up with some child-safe soap before they give it a wash.
You'll end up with some very clean toys, and a very happy toddler!
Join a Swim Class
Wherever you live there are usually indoor public pools right nearby. Look into your options, from public pools that have special classes for youngsters, or the local YMCA offering parent and baby lessons. These resources provide a great opportunity for
you and your little one to bond in the water together, with the help and expertise of professionals. They are sure to make some new little friends in class too. Be sure to bring along some Huggies® Little Swimmers® Diapers when you head to the pool,
many places require them if your child is not yet potty trained.
Sailboat Playtime
You can turn this great arts and crafts project into a bath time adventure! Let your little one make their very own bath toy. All you need is some foam art board, straws, construction paper, and magic marker. Work with your little one to cut the foam
into a fun shape to form the sailboat base, then cut a hole to place a straw into the buoyant foam base to act as the boat’s mast. After this is complete, attach a piece of paper to the straw that will serve as a sail. Let your child decorate it as
they see fit with markers, and then you’re ready to hit the tub. You can show them how to blow air on the paper sail to move the boat around, then watch as the wonder and excitement fills their little face.
Always be sure to pay extra close attention any time your child is in or near the water. Be cautious and keep your eyes on your little one at all times, free from any distractions. This will help keep your little one safe while they're having a great
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