Few meals taste better than the one you down after giving birth (hungry much?). Reach for these healthy bites, yummy and good for baby, too.
Dying for…pasta?
Go right ahead and have…a pasta dish with lean protein and veggies. "Most women tend to want carb-y foods because they’re tired, and lack of sleep makes you crave more carbs," notes Keri Glassman, M.S., R.D., a nutritionist in New York City. Try to pick the whole wheat kind (it keeps you feeling fuller longer), and go easy on the spices and skip the vodka sauce if you’re breastfeeding. "After 36 hours of labor, all I wanted was rigatoni," says Lisa Johnson, a mother of one in Westchester, NY. "I made my best friend place the order while I was still pushing, and it literally arrived seconds after my son was born. Best meal ever."
Dying for…. a sandwich?
Go right ahead and have…an egg and cheese sandwich, nutritionist Glassman’s own post-delivery meal of choice. At any time of day, breakfast eats can be super-satisfying. Another great pick: turkey, avocado, tomato and cheese on whole wheat. "With my first baby, I knew I’d be craving a grilled chicken sandwich post-delivery," says Melissa Rabb, a mother of four from Metuchen, New Jersey. "I actually told my parents to pick it up on the way to the hospital! They delivered, and it became a tradition when each of my next three kids was born."
Dying for…sushi?
Go right ahead and have…your favorite rolls; most are healthy and nutrient-rich. "I made my husband trek across town to get me a spicy tuna roll from my favorite sushi restaurant," says mother of two Judy Sayah from Dallas, Texas. "I’d been craving it for nine months so when I could finally have it, I was determined." If you’re breastfeeding, your doctor will advise you to steer clear of raw fish, so opt for the veggie variety.
Dying for…sweets?
Go right ahead and have…whatever rich, gooey treat you’re craving. If you eat something else, you’ll wind up having that and the sweets you’re lusting after, anyway. Besides, you deserve it. Enjoy!