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Pregnancy Month 3: "We started sharing the big news."

Couple kissing and holding up image of ultra-sound Photo credit: Getty

Your third month of pregnancy brings new milestones, some wonderful and others not so much, like morning sickness. Many parents-to-be choose the 12-week mark as the time to start telling a wider circle of friends and family about the exciting news. You might also have an in-office sonogram and get a glimpse of your little one for the very first time – and take home your first baby picture! 

For Gina, a NYC-based mom, finding the perfect doctor was a long process, but in week 10 she found the right fit. She related this story:  “My husband and I were trying to prepare ourselves to become parents, when a friend said, 'If you plan too much, you'll never be ready. Just do it.' My husband and I decided to move forward that very weekend. A few weeks later, a test confirmed my pregnancy and we set out to find an OB. I had a stroke a few years earlier and doctor after doctor turned us away. After I found a doctor that specialized in high-risk, she became pregnant and had to refer me to another OB. She was so reassuring and confident that as soon as I met her, I knew all of this was meant to be.” 

Morning sickness can rear its ugly head during the third month. Tampa-based mom Rosemary was in the early stages of her second pregnancy when nausea hit hard, but she was also the mom of a toddler, which made things pretty amusing. As she tells it, “One day when I was about three-months pregnant with my second, I found myself on my knees worshiping the porcelain god. I was taking a breath when all of a sudden, my two-year-old jumped on my back and hollered, "Yeeee Haaaa!" 

It’s hard to imagine you’ll ever be able to look back on challenging parts of your pregnancy with fondness or even laughter, but these moms show how every moment creates your own, unique pregnancy story. 

This article is part of our Pregnancy Month-by-Month series. Parents who have "been there" share their memories with parents just starting their journey toward parenthood. To read the next article in the series, click here.


By Rebecca Levey
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