Diapering Tips

From changing on the go to getting rid of diaper rash, we’ve got you covered with all the info you’ll ever need for diapering your baby.

Huggies tips and advice has you covered will all the diapering info you'll ever need.
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Clean-up Time: Bottom-up Basics

Every baby arrives smelling brand new and wonderful, but let's face it – keeping baby clean takes work. Here are some Baby Basics” that might help."


Cleanups on the Go

Face it, it’s no longer your car — it’s just a really big diaper bag. Here are a few tips for stocking it up and maybe having a better time on the road.


Diaper Confessions: The Good, The Bad, and The Smelly

Get diapering tips for your new baby from other parents and learn about everything including the good, the bad, and the smelly from Huggies.com.


Good Poop? Bad Poop? Or Is It All Just Poop?

Poop might not be so fun to talk about, but as a parent of a newborn, you probably have poop on the brain (yay). In any case, it doesn't have to be a huge mystery. Here are a few things to keep in mind.


How to Make Diaper Changing More Fun

There are certain things about having a baby that are breathtaking. And others that take your breath away. And others yet that make you wish you could hold your breath for a really, really long time. Those last ones, that’s what this post is about. And it turns out those diapers don’t change themselves, so you may as well have a bit of fun along the way. Right? Right.

Leaks. Rashes. Blowouts. Who Needs 'Em?

If you're not careful, there are lots of diaper mishaps that can happen. Luckily, with a little know-how, these common pitfalls can be avoided.


Lets Do the Diaper Step by Step


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Tips and advice from Huggies about the power of hugs.

Power of Hugs

From your first hugs to the gentle care NICU nurses give, learn about the incredible role hugs play in your child’s development.

Huggies has tips and advice for how to make nurturing connection while diapering.


Huggies has tips and advice on how to make diapering a nurturing connection for you and your baby.

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