Week by Week

From the moment the test says "yes" until your baby makes their debut, we're here with info and advice for every step of your pregnancy journey.

Week by week pregnancy tips and advice from Huggies.
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Pregnancy Month 2: "We started taking belly pictures."

For many women, it’s the second month of pregnancy when things start to feel more real. It’s a personal decision, but it can be hard to contain the good news!


Pregnancy Month 3: "We started sharing the big news."

Your third month of pregnancy brings new milestones, some wonderful and others not so much, like morning sickness.


Pregnancy Month 4: "I felt a little jab on my rib cage."

Many people consider the second trimester to be the easiest part of pregnancy since your baby bump may begin to show—which is definitely cause for celebration!


Pregnancy Month 5: "“I'll never forget the first time I felt my baby move"

The fifth month of pregnancy brings major developments and exciting changes. During this month of pregnancy, you may notice new cravings and may start experiencing noticing some new sensations as well.


Pregnancy Month 6: "I could feel him moving to the beat!"

The final stretch of the second trimester is when your baby bump seems to take on a life of its own. Your baby will take up more room inside your body and you may have some new consequences to your baby's constant repositioning.


Pregnancy Month 7: "All I wanted to eat was ice cream."

Entering your third trimester is incredibly exciting as the anticipation of your baby’s birth starts to build. The nesting urge can begin in the seventh month, as your baby will be here before you know it.


Pregnancy Month 8: "Getting close to the big day."

Month eight of your pregnancy brings more growth, for you and your baby. You’re getting close to the big day, so it’s important to stay comfortable and start daydreaming about what your life will look like once baby has arrived in your arms.


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Tips and advice from Huggies about the power of hugs.

Power of Hugs

From your first hugs to the gentle care NICU nurses give, learn about the incredible role hugs play in your child’s development.

Huggies has tips and advice for how to make nurturing connection while diapering.


Huggies has tips and advice on how to make diapering a nurturing connection for you and your baby.

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