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Your Pregnancy at 20 Weeks: What’s Going on With You and Baby

Pregnant lady looking down at Ultra sound picture of what probably is her baby

You’re halfway there, mom-to-be! You’ve spent the past 20 weeks managing early pregnancy symptoms and starting to prepare you and your partner for the arrival of a new family member. Find out about what’s going on now with your body and your baby at this exciting point in your pregnancy.

What’s Going on With You

Chances are you’re feeling a bit of relief from pregnancy symptoms at 20 weeks. Your belly is popping and folks probably now notice that you’re pregnant. According to the Office on Women's Health (OWH;, the following are common symptoms and milestones at this stage of your pregnancy:

  • Your belly size has grown! The top of the uterus is now about level with your navel.

  • You’re gaining weight (about 8-10 pounds so far). Medical experts suggest that you’ll gain about a half pound to 1 pound every week for the remainder of your pregnancy.

  • Many new moms notice at 20 weeks (you’re halfway there!) that several early pregnancy symptoms — such as morning sickness and feeling tired — are now waning, and might even feel a boost of energy.

  • You’re nesting. If you’ve not yet started to get your home ready for baby, chances are this week you’re working on the nursery, picking out layette items, and enjoying preparing for your baby’s arrival.

  • Your dreams may be more vivid. As your hormones race, your baby grows, and your due date edges closer, many Mom-to-Be find that their dreams are more memorable — and more vivid—at this point in pregnancy. Keep a journal by your bedside and make a habit of writing down what you remember upon waking!

What’s Going on With Your Baby

Your little one also is going through major changes at 20 weeks of fetal development. Here’s a peek at what’s happening during this week of your pregnancy, according to the OWH:

  • Your developing baby is now about 6 inches long and weighs about 9 ounces. That’s roughly the size of a bell pepper.

  • Your baby is much more active at this stage, and chances are you may feel a bit of kicking going on inside your belly. These little flutters signal that your baby is testing limbs and moving around.

  • Time to read to your baby. Your baby can now hear! Babies grow accustomed to the sound of your and your partner’s voices. This is a great time to be reading, singing, and talking to your baby.

  • If you could see in your womb right now, you’d notice a fine, downy hair covering your baby’s entire body. This fuzzy coat, called lanugo, is coupled with a waxy covering called vernix. Both of these layers are protecting baby’s still-developing skin underneath.

  • Your little one is busy growing eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails.

  • Your baby is also swallowing (you may even feel these hiccups!).

  • Baby’s gender is now visible. During your fifth month of pregnancy, you can finally discover the gender of your baby! A qualified technician should be able to discern now if you’ll be having a boy or a girl.

Image : Getty

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