Huggies® Diapers & Wipes

We believe in the power of hugs. That’s why every diaper we make is inspired by your hugs.

Huggies diaper and wipes are inspired by your hugs.
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Buying Diapers for Your Baby: How to Find the Right Size, Fit and Comfort

Once your baby arrives you'll be amazed by so many things. One of those unexpected surprises is just how many times a day you'll be changing diapers.


Smooth as a baby's bottom...or not

Skin like a baby? That can mean a lot of things. An infant's skin can experience numerous changes in the first few weeks of life. Here are a few common conditions you might see.



Tips and advice from Huggies about the power of hugs.

Power of Hugs

From your first hugs to the gentle care NICU nurses give, learn about the incredible role hugs play in your child’s development.

Huggies has tips and advice for how to make nurturing connection while diapering.


Huggies has tips and advice on how to make diapering a nurturing connection for you and your baby.

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