Your invitation could
change everything.

If a Weekend to Remember helped your marriage, pay it forward by helping others through our Group Plan.

Simply put, the Group Plan is our referral program.

When you become a Group Coordinator—way easier than it sounds—you gain access to a discounted registration price available to anyone you invite, to a Weekend to Remember at any location.

Couples who register with your group name receive the maximum discount offered at the time or $100 off per couple, whichever is greater.

And for every 5 couples who attend under your group name, you receive a FREE couple’s registration. You can use the free registrations you earn as gifts to share with friends, or for you and your spouse.

What you don’t have to do: As a group coordinator

Your only responsibility is to invite other couples to attend an event of their choosing. Seriously!

And any couple you invite, no matter where they live or what event they register for, receives the special Group Plan rate.

In fact, you don’t even have to attend (though we hope you will!).

70-80% of couples attend a Weekend to Remember because someone cared enough to invite them.

Getting Started as a Group Coordinator


Create Your Group Account

Visit where you will find the WTR Group Coordinator Tool. Here you’ll create an account and your group name.


Invite Others to Register Using Your Group Name

The next step is simple: invite other couples to attend a Weekend to Remember event and to register using your group name!

Invite | Weekend to Remember® | FamilyLife® | Group Coordinator

Promoting Your Group Name

To help you invite other couples to attend, we provide promotional materials to download or purchase. Some of the downloadable files can be customized with your group name.

Simply download the files, enter your group name, save, and print.

Invite | Weekend to Remember® | FamilyLife® | Group Meeting

Promoting at Church

Your church is a great place to promote the Weekend to Remember!

But first, meet with your pastor or another staff member and gain approval to promote there.

Depending on their input, you might:

Host an information table in a visible location, preferably near an entrance or exit, play a promotional video, and distribute brochures.
Put up posters in well-traveled areas.
Distribute bulletin inserts in Sunday school, worship service, and small groups.
Play a promotional video in the worship service or another location.
Personally invite members of your Sunday school class or small group.

Promoting at Work and Among Your Neighbors & Friends

With permission, put up posters where you work and make brochures available to coworkers.
Personally invite neighbors, friends, parents of your children’s friends, and family members.
Invite your social media followers. Download our ready-to-use posts.
Don’t limit your efforts to your local area. Remember, your group name can be used to attend any event, anywhere.
Follow the Weekend to Remember Group Coordinator Facebook Group and exchange ideas with other group coordinators. In the weeks leading up to an event in your area, we’ll send you a series of emails with reminders, tips, and ideas.

Keeping Up with Your Free Registrations

Access your group information any time at Log in periodically to:

Track registrations made under your group name.
See the number of free registrations you have earned.
Invite your social media followers. Download our ready-to-use posts.
Keep an eye on how many free registrations you have used.

Your Group Coordinator commitment lasts 12 months and can be renewed. We’ll even remind you in advance to renew.

Register Early

Our locations sell out quickly.


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