Well-Matched: 6 Steps To Find a Mentor Couple
Now that you’re engaged, are you wondering how to find a mentor couple that guide you through the unknown of married life? We’ve got tips on what to look for.
Now that you’re engaged, are you wondering how to find a mentor couple that guide you through the unknown of married life? We’ve got tips on what to look for.
A few easy games to play as a couple can challenge you to better know what makes your favorite person tick.
Can’t wait for the wedding because you’re sick of planning? In the meantime, grab fun date-night ideas to make memories and ditch stress.
Because marriage is a spiritual relationship, your spiritual compatibility (being “equally yoked”) will influence your relationship more than any other factor.
Wondering who you after a major life change is normal. Circumstances change us. But how do you discover yourself after marriage?
A lot of people underestimate the impact premarital counseling can have on a relationship. Here, we answer some of the most common questions.
Walking out of our wedding, my husband’s hand in mine. This was the beginning of our first year of marriage. How surprising could it be?
I’ve always wanted to get married, but when fear of commitment takes hold of me, I find myself wondering if it’s worth the risk.
Want to get married on a tight budget but still plan an unforgettable wedding? Here are three tips for planning a cheap wedding.
More than any other factor—really—your spiritual compatibility will influence your future marriage.
Is marriage even worth it? Here are three compelling benefits of marriage.