Baby Name Finder

Choosing a name for Baby is such an exciting and emotional process! We want to help make finding that perfect baby name as easy as possible. That's why we created our unique baby name generator. We're honored to help you decide what your newest family member's name will be!

Baby wearing gray beanie and white shirt holding father's finger
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Baby Name FinderBaby Name Finder

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How to use the tool:
  1. Start by filtering the first drop-down box. You can search by name, letter of the alphabet, meaning, or by the most popular names in a given year.
  2. If you already have a name in mind, simply search by Name, type in the name, and tap the magnifying glass to see the origin, meaning, and traditional gender associated with the name which is shown by either a blue baby (boy) or a pink baby (girl).
  3. If you're in the exploring phase, try searching by your preferred letter of the alphabet and filtering by gender. You'll then be able to see the origin of the name in the results list.
  4. Try searching by meaning. You can type in a word or phrase to find a unique baby name.
Tips for using the baby name finder:
  • If you're seeing few or zero results, clear some filters by clicking the "x" next to the filters or tap "Clear All" to remove all filters.
Where do we get our names?
  • We include the top 1000 baby names in the United States each year from 2015 through 2020 as determined by the Social Security Administration. Those names represent over 70% of all baby names.
  • If you want to see names before 2015 all the way back to 1880, check out the Social Security Administrations database of popular baby names. Spoiler alert, the most popular names in 1880 were…you guessed it, John and Mary!
More baby name resources:
  • We have several other Baby Name Lists that are sure to inspire the perfect name for your newest little snuggler including over 100 Baby Boy Names and Baby Girl Names with options for every letter of the alphabet.
  • Are you waiting until birth to find out Baby's gender but you want to have a single name picked before that big day? Maybe you prefer to name your baby after that special aunt, but you know you're having a boy and you would like a more traditional boy name. Consider choosing a name that has both masculine and feminine versions.
  • There's a whole world outside of this country that offers inspiration for strong and beautiful baby names. See some of the Top Baby Names from Across the Globe.
  • We partnered with Disney Baby to share 20 Baby Names that Sound Lovely in English or Spanish.
  • As gender neutral names have been growing in popularity, check out our favorite Unisex Baby Names.
  • If you're looking for that one-of-a-kind name that fits only your baby, here are some Unique Baby Name Ideas along with some inspiration for how to create your own perfect baby name.

Looking for more cute baby name suggestions? Here's a quick glance at the Top 20 baby boy and girl names in 2020:


We hope that after using this baby name finder, you’re feeling even more excited about your little one joining your family and that you have a little extra confidence that you’re choosing the right name. Just remember, pretty soon your new tiny human will start to smile when they hear their name, so whatever name you choose will be the best name for your new little baby.

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